
Thursday, 7 March 2019

Thoughts on parenting.

Most parents want their children to grow up to be healthy and whole adults that will, hopefully, change the world. As christian parents we deeply desire our children to be those world changers: evangelists, Mother Theresas, presidents, revivalists, inventors and so on. We tell our children that they are unique and special. Princes and princesses.
I believe that every child is a gift to the world. I believe that within every child is the possibility for the impossible to happen through their life. Nothing is tainted, nothing is capped. They are born believing the impossible. I look into a child's eyes and I see incredible depth and sparks of hope that "life" hasn't dampened or shallowed.
The responsibility as a parent is enormous!

the thing is that we can call our kids royalty but have we trained them how to behave in the presence of Kings and Queens? We have the privilege and responsibility to equip our children with the character that will sustain their destiny. Every "hero" in the Bible had a time of preparation:
Esther was chosen but spent a year in preparation to be a Queen. Daniel was trained for three years before he could advice King Nebuchadnezzar. Joseph spent a substantial amount of time serving in Potiphar's house before being the governor of Egypt. Moses became a shepherd for Jethro before leading the Israelites into freedom. Samuel was trained under Eli before becoming a prophet. David was trained in the silence and hidden of the pastures before he became King. Joshua was Moses's shadow before he lead the Israelites across the Jordan river.

Character starts in the home. It is moulded in the unseen and in the safety of family. It begins with making your bed, cleaning your room and eating your vegetables. God always trains and equips before he releases. Jesus did this with his disciples as he ate with them, spoke with them, washed their feet and invited them into his heart. Parents can do the same thing with their children.
Family models Kingdom and it is our awesome privilege as parents to see and hear the voice that God speaks over our children and partner with Him as we prepare the foundation of their character so that they are equipped to carry the call of God. We don't manufacture their destiny, God has done that.

Behind every world changer is a mother and a father who said Yes to God. A Mary who said yes to the angel despite the ridicule and slander she would endure. A Hannah who was desperate for a child only to give that child back to God. A nameless mother who, by faith, laid her baby in a basket and let him float into the palace of the enemy. A Jessi who watched his young armour-less son walk up to a giant. A Sarah who laughed in the face of age a barrenness as she delivered a promise.

kingdom looks like family: conceive, birth, belong, train and release. Conceived in love, birthed in faith, belonging by name, trained in safety and released into destiny. Love, faith, belonging and safety must always precede destiny. If we walk into destiny before we know who we are and why we are loved we cannot be sustained. Identity comes first.

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